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two new bills just added

SF 5153


Bureau of Criminal Apprehension and Violent Crime Enforcement Teams gun trafficking investigations and firearms seizures report requirement, trigger activator definition modification, and penalties increase for transferring certain firearms to persons who are ineligible to possess firearms.

A ban on certain triggers and binary triggers

SF 4312


Standards for the safe storage of firearms and criminal penalties for failing to meet these standards establishment.

This revised “safe storage” bill is different than the bill heard in 2023. This will creates a requirement to store firearms when they are outside of one’s direct physical control by securing them with a locking device or in a “locked firearm storage unit”.

Unlike the 2023 bill, this bill does not require firearms to be stored unloaded and separate from their ammunition.

Violations range from a misdemeanor to a felony – and can result in one becoming a prohibited person who is not allowed to possess firearms or ammunition.

HF 2609 - the Binary Trigger Ban Bill

HF 2609 - the Binary Trigger Ban Bill, which also includes language increasing the straw purchasing penalty to a felony, passed on a 71-59 vote. We oppose this bill. Now the bill will move to the Minn

HF 4300 - Mandatory "Safe" Storage

HF 4300 - Mandatory "Safe" Storage passed after a nearly 11 1/2 hour floor debate and multiple attempts by the GOP to remove provisions in the bill. The final vote was 68-64. We oppose this bill. No

Bill HF 3813

Description Use of lead ammunition when hunting prohibited; sale, manufacture, and use of lead tackle prohibited; nontoxic ammunition performance standard established for shooting sports facilities; n

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